When Our Humanity Fails Us

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Last evening I got the boys in bed before sunset, and walked up the hill behind the house, thinking and feeling very human.

Very small.

We want to go out and do, and save all of the wounded.

Oppression cripples us, rage lights the world on fire.

We ache to drop the walls of our humanity like a bad habit, because days like these we feel a little trapped.

How can we “glorify God”, like the catechism says we’re to do, if we can’t even put out one fire?

When we can’t squelch our own ugly streak let alone ones we see in anyone else?

I asked him this morning, what does that even mean anyway?

I thought of how Jesus became a man and lived to tell firsthand about God, suffered horrifically so that we could be close to God, died and miraculously broke free of death so that we can live with Him forever.

And then I realized-

Glorifying God means love.

Because when we love God and love each other, we show *Him*.

When we show Him, we love Him even more.

And the more we love Him, the fuller and fuller we get of love until we are overflowing with it.

There’s so much to share that we can’t not share it.

We can love, because we are loved.

Our job isn’t to save the whole world.

It’s to experience the love that God has, then go out and share it with the oppressed, the oppressors, the furious, the brokenhearted, and everyone in between.

Love always has, and always will cover a multitude of sins.

It just might be the redemption of our humanity.






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