When Sorrow and Hope Hold Hands For a While

Maybe this is how the year feels to you so far: Like it’s been struck by lightning. Loss feels a little helpless watching things burn up. It begs for an answer, scrambles for a plan. So often we have tears in the middle of our prayers, don’t we? It’s like the thing that drives us to Hope, is Sorrow. Sorrow and Hope hold hands sometimes. And sometimes we just need to let them.  

When Our Humanity Fails Us

Last evening I got the boys in bed before sunset, and walked up the hill behind the house, thinking and feeling very human. Very small. We want to go out and do, and save all of the wounded. Oppression cripples us, rage lights the world on fire. We ache to drop the walls of our humanity like a bad habit, because days like these we feel a little trapped. How can we “glorify God”, like the catechism says we’re to … Continue readingWhen Our Humanity Fails Us