A Change In the Light

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For the days when those low hanging clouds seem brush the top of your very soul.

When maybe just last night, a whole sky full of rain and winds of doubt squashed flat the places in you that had started to grow.

Where do you look on days like this, when the whole world feels damp?

At everything that’s wrong with you and your work and the people around you, and the weather, too?

We’ve worked a whole day long, an entire life long, but have nothing to show for it, or so we feel sometimes.

But He never did love our accomplishments-

Just us.

When Jesus breathed his last, “It is finished”don’t we forget sometimes that that meant all of the accomplishing was done?

Something about gray in the sky, the cloud on our soul, compresses our thoughts inward to see all the hundreds of things that are going wrong in there.

And yeah, we are kind of messed up.

But because of Jesus, we are accepted in the Beloved.

Because of Jesus, clouds are just water hung in droplets, moving down the ridge of the mountains, healing water to the ridges of our souls.