The Hard Won Moments

You know the times you catch that wild kid of yours laying down on the front porch with a bug in his hand that he’s watching, engrossed, and being still, your teenager walking up through the front yard in some sparkling light , off in her own thoughts somewhere, completely unaware of how pretty she is? You think about a really good night with your husband and the kids’ birthdays coming up and how you craned your neck trying to … Continue readingThe Hard Won Moments

Just a Few Little Mercies

The youngest kid home from the hospital and back to being the boss…. Radishes coming in, letting the world know that spring is here for real…. Wild poppies in the bottom field…. Little February geranium seeds spreading out into the late April sunshine…. A complete acceptance, love, and forgiveness from the God who the entire universe can’t contain is such a big thought, my brain can’t hold it. So he sends these little bite-sized mercies along. A quiet urging toward … Continue readingJust a Few Little Mercies